To take a photograph means to recognize, simultaneously and within a fraction of a second‚ both the fact itself and the rigorous organization of visually perceived forms that give it meaning. It is putting one‚ head, one‚ eye, and one‚ heart on the same axis. - Henri Cartier-Bresson
To take a photograph means to recognize, simultaneously and within a fraction of a second‚ both the fact itself and the rigorous organization of visually perceived forms that give it meaning. It is putting one‚ head, one‚ eye, and one‚ heart on the same axis. - Henri Cartier-Bresson - inspirQuotes app provides an awesome editor to let you create your favorite picture quote and collect the beautiful quotes easily. - Quote of the Day - Add an inspirational quote on your favorite picture - Customize your picture quote with variety of image filters and font styles - Move and scale the text of the quote to anywhere you want on the picture - Share your picture quotes through social media - Collect quotes from Quotes Feed - Build your own Quotes Library To take a photograph means to recognize, simultaneously and within a fraction of a second‚ both the fact itself and the rigorous organization of visually perceived forms that give it